It is truly rare for any dish as simple yet intricate to be worldwide known like pho. As a long-standing dish, the national spirit of Vietnam, pho can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. In Vietnam, pho is present in three regions from rural to urban areas. Overseas, pho appears everywhere, from commercial centers, Vietnamese areas, cold states, hot states, everywhere and everywhere.
Pho Tick Tock in San Jose, opened on March 14, 2015, had bold breakthroughs, raising the bowl of pho to an unprecedented level of pioneering innovation, both at home and abroad. The owner is combined by two young people, one is inherently a scientist who specializes in researching new inventions of civilized science, and the other is inherently passionate about architecture and loves art. The restaurant was designed beyond the usual stereotypes: the ceiling has white clouds, blue sky, the chandeliers are shapes of raindrops, the bar clock is made with wheels and gears, the artwork of the clock on the walls all stop after 5 o'clock.
Perhaps the pho bowls and dishes at Tick Tock are the culmination of creativity. Tick Tock noodle bowl is presented with a full range of ingredients such as vegetables, bean sprouts, fresh noodles, 7 types of beef meat, broth, and it is carefully and beautifully presented, with elegant harmonious colors. The broth is put in a special stone bowl that holds up 500 degrees Fahrenheit. Diners are free to add other ingredients at their disposal. If you want to eat vegetables, add the vegetables; if you want to eat meat, add the meat; if you want to eat all the noodles, then add them all in. If you want to eat them slowly, then sip slowly; if you want to eat them fast, then slurp them. Pho Tick Tock is deconstructed so enjoy it however you like.
Phở Tick Tock ở San Jose đã được khai trương vào 14/03/2015 đã có những đột phá mới là đỉnh cao của sự sáng tạo. Tô phở và các món ăn ở Tick Tock ngon, đựơc trình bày tỉ mỉ đẹp mắt, màu sắc hài hoà thanh nhã..
Tick Tock Tick Tock, bạn đã thử tô phở Tick Tock độc đáo này chưa? Đến với phở Tick Tock, nơi không gian và thời gian hoà làm một, trong lòng một cuộc sống đang lặng trôi, và rất mau...
Phở Tick Tock Giây Phút Tuyệt Ngon
How much do you know about Pho?
"My partner and I have both eaten here and gotten take out many times and we are always blown away. Today we got delivery for the first time and were once again amazed. The food here is absolutely delicious, especially the broth!! The decor and atmosphere of the restaurant is very fun and unique. And the staff is always helpful and courteous. I also found the price is very reasonable for how much you get, we often struggle to finish our bowls. Absolutely amazing restaurant. One of our all time favorites!"
Fiona (Google Reviews)